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2005-04-07 - 3:01 p.m.

Today is completely spring, and here I am, inside on the internet, but I was out all day until now. I had a few errands that could have been quick, but I took the long way around to everywhere. I saw a man in a tank top and flip flops and what may have been pajama bottoms, shouting, "You're all looking at me like I'm fucking crazy, but the weather's gorgeous!" I saw the neighborhood clown wearing a turban wrapped with gold tassels, and I saw a man pretend chasing his daughter down the sidewalk on his bicycle while she jumped and laughed in a purple flowered dress. Everything out there is good today.

For the moment my internet access is intermittent, and I keep missing the moments when my head is full of words for this page. Everything that matters happens in the in-between.

Last night was really good. After the Captain and Michael went home I hung around with the Egglet's friend's friends and talked to San Diego while drinking the whiskey and sodas that K. and A. bought for me. A. is really nice and easy to be around, and there's something about K. that I really like, but I'm not sure what. He's like an alien, somehow. I get the impression that we've lived opposite lives. He's baffling in just the way I want him to be.

The news is talking about a track fire in the subway, and suddenly I remember dreaming about a track fire, and I think that this isn't the first time I've dreamt the news before I saw it. I wonder if maybe my radio is turning itself on and off in the early morning and sneaking the news into my sleep.

Now I still have more moving to do, because I've been making the slowest move in the history of moves. Soon, soon, soon, I'll be done and settled and teeming with spring.

p.s. I'm glad that things are going the way you want them to.

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