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2005-07-30 - 4:09 p.m.

Gee, I don't know. I was just lonely because I've been avoiding seeing my friends. I don't know why it seemed like a good idea. Last night was pretty nice. We talked about Lynley and how Kickstand just likes to look at him, and George asked, "More than Angel Clare?" Angel Clare has for years and years been our yardstick for dreaminess. Kickstand didn't know how to answer, because it isn't really comparable, because Lynley and Angel Clare are from two different planets. It was at this point that the Captain realized that it was all PBS and declared us nerds. Then she brought up David Beckham, and Kickstand sat up straighter and said, very solemnly, "David Beckham is the hottest man in the world," and it was the weirdest moment ever, right then, and sort of surprising and great. She was just so serious about it, and knowing her, it was unexpected. The boys were talking about mustaches and rock and roll music, I think. Then we all spent some time explaining to George how zombies work, because she just doesn't get it. She's always thought that zombies are just stupid vampires, which I sort of like the idea of. We talked about aquariums and primates, and Michael and I had a good side talk about public transportation and billionaires, and other things, and I guess there was generally a lot of good talking last night.

George wanted to know if I had gotten new contact lenses, because, "Your eyes are bigger." I'm taller and my eyes are bigger, so that's alright.

Afterwards I got Beesed and I got Egged, and I stayed out too late and spent too much money, but there was fun, and I had occasion to pet two different dogs in two different places with nautical themes. I like nautical themes. There's a bartender who hates us because she was a liar and we told her so (but sweetly, I swear), and we paid for so many songs that we never got to hear, and I think that Bees stole ten dollars from me, but at least I'm certain that it was accidental. The Egg borrowed my camera to take pictures of his own face. Now I have pictures of the Egg's own face.

I'm starting to not mind the scaffolders. They've been squeakily winch-hoisting themselves up a couple of floors in one of those mobile people-shelves (wow, I don't know the words for anything), and so the drilling isn't as loud, and the bits of debris that fall against my windows sort of sound like heavy, occasional rain. I like the sound of heavy, occasional rain. Also, the fact that the scaffolders have been scaffolding every day now gives me hope that they might finish one day. One day. And they probably aren't actually watching me sleep. Probably.

You know, I just can't hear This American Life anymore. I mean, I'll have it on and I'll be reading and forget to listen, or I'll be in the shower and the volume isn't quite loud enough for hearing it over the water, or I'll decide to wash dishes or something in the kitchen and then I'll realize that the kitchen radio is set to the FM and I won't be bothered to change it. Or I'll accidentally fall asleep because I was out too late and up too early, and by eleven I had no choice but to lie face down, fully clothed on my fully made bed, lie in the breeze of the fan while the scaffolders scaffold outside. Next thing I know it's Car Talk, and was it extra good today? It was a repeat, but I hadn't heard it before, and I laughed half into the pillow and wondered if the scaffolders could hear, wondered if I should turn up the radio and rest it on the windowsill so that they could, but then I thought maybe I was still just too sleepy. Now I've got The No Show on, and it's been a while, and I'm always hoping it will be the one where he talks about a fight he had with a teacher when he was a pretty little kid. I barely remember, but it was sort of the greatest story I've ever heard. What I really want is a car to listen to the radio in, I want to sit in a backseat with my legs stretched out, with the radio on, with a book on my lap, and I'm not sure if I even need the car to be moving. Does anyone know a car I can sit in?

Gosh, it's late! I have a lot to do today, but somehow I've managed to not do any of it yet. Oh, stuff.

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